Video Games

GameBoy Jam 3

Tower Climb

This month was GameBoy Jam 3. The rules are similar to the last GameBoy Jam I participated in, which were to create a GameBoy themed game. In this game jam, I created a game called Tower Climb.

Video Games

GameBoy Jam 2 – Office

Office Title Screen

This game was created for GameBoy Jam 2. It is a puzzle platformer where the goal is to reach the exit of the level as fast as possible whilst avoiding the robots and hazards. The player can use their portal gun to create portals to teleport in the level. The player can also collect office supplies to achieve a greater score.

Video Games

GameBoy Jam 2 – Development Log


I decided to participate in GameBoy Jam 2. I decided to make a puzzle platformer game set in a office. As the jam goes on I will state the rules clearer for what the game is. This is because I will know what I will be able to implement depending on how much time there is remaining.

Video Games

GameBoy Jam 2


I recently heard of the GameBoy Jam and I have decided to enter their second jam. GB Jam is video game development jam where developers create a game based around the theme of GameBoy. There are only three rules to the GB Jam. They are:

  1. Game must be GameBoy Themed.
  2. Keep in the original GameBoy screen resolution of 160px x 144px.
  3. Use only 4 colors in your game.