I recently completed my post on Kinja about how I work. This is a series that Lifehacker does where they chat with productivity heroes about their habits, workspaces, inspirations, and more in their How I Work series. I thought I will post what I wrote on my Kinja onto my website so you can see my habits, workspaces and inspirations.
I’m Lovepreet, And This Is How I Work

Location: Wolverhampton, UK
Current gig: Technology Facilitator, University of Wolverhampton
Current mobile device: Nexus 4 running stock Android 4.3. In my drawer, I have a rooted Nexus 7 (2012) running stock android 4.3, which hardly gets used.
Current computer: A custom-built Windows 8 PC at home. At work I use my personal Windows 7 HP Pavilion notebook. It is quite old and slow but it is still much better than the computers that are provided (I do have access to a 170 inch touch-screen Windows 8 machine at work but that is mainly for show).
One word that best describes how you work: Routinely.

What apps/software/tools can’t you live without?
When Google Reader decided to shut down, I spend several months trying to find the best alternative. I was going to go with Feedly until I read on Lifehacker about Tiny Tiny RSS. In the end I chose Tiny Tiny RSS and I have not regretted my choice.
For storing all my notes and research information, I use KeepNote and save the file on my DropBox. This way I have access to it wherever I might be. In the past I used Microsoft OneNote, The Guide and plain text files but none of them fulfilled all my needs. I once tried Evernote but I just did not like it.
My most important software is KeePass since I use it to manage all my passwords and logins. I also use it to store any product keys I have. I keep the password file saved on my computer and a local back-up. I also keep a back-up on my memory stick in case I might need to log into my accounts at work. I don’t store a back-up of the password file on any online storage. I still don’t feel safe about handing all my passwords and logins to any company such LastPass or Dashlane.
What’s your workspace like?
I try and keep my desk at home clean and minimal so that I don’t get distracted by anything. I use two monitors so that I usually can have a documentation open in one monitor whilst I am working on the other. It is also good when I want to do work and also watch the highlights on the other monitor. I would like to have a bigger desk at home but there is no more room in my bedroom (still live at home so I have not got the luxury of having a whole room as my personal workspace).
At work there is an open environment so I can sit in any room as long as it is not booked out on the day. I usually don’t get much work done there as SMEs come in at anytime to have a tour of the Visualization Center to see what we have to offer. Because of this it is, it is busy and noisy at all times during the day.
What’s your best time-saving trick?
I usually catch up with all my TV backlog when I am on the exercise bike. Most of the shows I want to watch either come on late at night or conflict with other programs or work. This way I get to watch TV and forget that I am exercising (I do make sure I cover a certain amount of distance while I am on the bike). This way I don’t have to spend time to just exercise or watch TV.
What’s your favorite to-do list manager?
I have tried many to-do list managers (Springpad, Microsoft OneNote, SimpleNote, and many others) but in the end I chose Google Keep. Most people never gave Keep a fair chance since it was released around the same time Google Reader was announced that it was going to be shutdown. I think it is an excellent tool and backups all my lists to all my devices. I recommend anyone to give it a fair chance and you will be surprised by it. If I am not near my phone or a computer, I use pen(cil) and paper and then transfer the task over to Keep later in the day.
Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can’t you live without?
I would have to say my PlayStation Vita as it allows me to play games at any place or at any time during the day. I usually play it on long journeys or if I have a long lunch break at work. I don’t really like mobile games as they are usually just pick up and play games with no long-term game-play elements. I normally don’t have time to play console/PC as I am not normally in one place. The Vita gives me the ability to play my games wherever I want and continue where I left off.
I have just ordered a Nintendo 3DS XL Pokemon X and Y Blue Edition with Pokemon X so I believe that will replace the Vita soon.
What everyday thing are you better at than anyone else?
I am the best person at saving money. This has more to do with me being able to control my spending habits and only buying items I will need/use in the next 6 months. I normally tend to buy luxury items (new games, gadgets, etc.) around my birthday time. With my saving skills, I managed to pay off all my student debt before I graduated and used the money left over to built my computer.

What are you currently reading?
Currently I am reading (learning) Art Fundamentals. I used to have a Kobo Touch but since I gave it away, I have not had the time to read a “proper” book. I am now considering to get another e-reader but this time with a built-in backlight since that was the main reason I gave my Kobo away. I am looking at getting the Nook GlowLight, and it looks very tempting since the price drop. But I think I might wait until they announce their new hardware (hopefully new e-reader). If their new hardware is not a major upgrade I will buy the Nook GlowLight and most likely root it.
What do you listen to while you work?
I can’t listen to music while I work as I tend to get distracted, even if it is just an instrumental. I work best when it is quiet. But since that never happens (at home or at work), I just wear my Plantronics Gamecom headset to drown out any outside noise.
Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?
I am definitely more of an introvert as I enjoy spending time to myself. But if I ever have to go out or to a party, then I will become very talkative. I do enjoy the time I spend going out, but it takes a lot to convince me to go out in the first place.
According to the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test, my Meyers-Briggs type is INTJ (Introvert 56%, iNtuitive 25%, Thinking 75%, Judging 33%).
What’s your sleep routine like?
I try and get to sleep by 10 and get up at 5:30 so that I can get an early morning workout before work. I try and stick to this routine the best I can, even if it is a weekend. This way I don’t feel tired when I have to wake up on a Monday. I used to be able to sleep in for like 8-10 hours (the wonderful life of a student) but this was before I had any job.
Fill in the blank: I’d love to see ______ answer these same questions.
Shigeru Miyamoto, just to see what keeps him going through his day-to-day activities and how he keeps himself motivated to create so many classic games for the past several decades. I would also want to ask Derek Yu how he had the time to learn how to program, create art and complete so many high-quality video games.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
“Free comes with a d**k up your a**” [Future (Mekhi Phifer) in 8 Mile]. This always reminds me that there is nothing free in this world as everything comes with a price. Because of this, I am normally suspicious on free stuff since it sounds too good to be true, and it usually is.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Never settle for anything less than you want to do. It might be difficult to get where you want to be and it might take a long time, but in the end all the hard work will be worth it.