This is just a post showcasing to the world (and me personally) on how much I have managed to improve on my art over the past six months. At first I did not believe I had improved at all but after reviewing my images I can see I have improved a lot. This is a good source of inspiration for myself to continue working hard on improving my art. Click on the post to see some of the images I have managed to create over the past six months (if you don’t like pixel art, I recommend you turn away now).

This was one of my first ever time practicing to make pixel art for a game.

I continued on working by creating more characters, all of whom who look the same but have different colored suits.

Don’t ask me how I got worse after a couple of months. I still don’t know how that happened.

I got a little help from Twitter users to make my character better. The left character is the one I created and the right character is the one I got modified after the help from other Twitter users.

This was the first pixel character I created in 2014. It was for the GM48 #9 game jam which I participated in.

This is my latest pixel art which is prototype character designs for my still ‘Nameless’ game.