Video Games

GameBoy Jam 2 – Office

Office Title Screen

This game was created for GameBoy Jam 2. It is a puzzle platformer where the goal is to reach the exit of the level as fast as possible whilst avoiding the robots and hazards. The player can use their portal gun to create portals to teleport in the level. The player can also collect office supplies to achieve a greater score.

Color Palette:

Estimated time taken:
30-40 hours over 10 days.

Puzzle Platformer

Game Engine:

Originally there was a story behind the game. The story was that the game was set in a futuristic office in the year 2034. All the employees have been replaced by robots except for the player. The player is unhappy whilst at work so he tries to sneak home early every day by reaching the exit door. As the player wants retribution for all his former friends getting replaced, he tries and “borrow” office supplies whilst he is sneaking home.

Left and Right arrow keys / A and D keys

Up arrow key / W key / Space bar

Portal Gun:
To create the first portal use the Z key.
To create the second portal use the X key.

Interaction (with switches):
C key

Download the game by using the link below (note: original version runs a lot smoother and looks a lot better than the X2 version).


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