Video Games

August 2024 Update

Why I’m Making stunt driver challenge

As a fan of car games, I’ve always been drawn to the thrill of driving, but traditional racing games have never fully captured my interest. They often feel too lengthy, packed with content, and lack the simplicity of pick-up-and-play gameplay. I wanted something that offers excitement without overwhelming players, which is why I’m developing stunt driver challenge.

Bite-Sized Levels for Quick Fun

In stunt driver challenge, the levels are designed to be short and engaging, perfect for players who have just 30 minutes to spare. You can jump in, complete a few stunts, and walk away satisfied without committing to a lengthy session.

Car Physics: Finding the Fun in Driving

Initially, the car physics in stunt driver challenge were more simulation-based, similar to the driving mechanics in GTA 4. While this was enjoyable, it felt too complex and less accessible, especially for a game that aims to be fun right from the start. To address this, I shifted towards a more arcade-style driving experience. The result is a game where driving around is instantly enjoyable and easy to get into.

Simplified Car Customization

Customization in stunt driver challenge is designed to be straightforward and stress-free. I wanted to avoid overwhelming players with intricate car modifications. Instead, the game offers limited customization options, like swapping out bumpers, side skirts, and spoilers. These changes will affect your car’s performance, but in a way that’s intuitive and doesn’t require you to be a car expert.

Each part has its own pros and cons – some may boost acceleration at the expense of top speed, while others might improve handling but slow down acceleration. This system allows players to tailor their cars to match their driving style, without the pressure of finding the “perfect” setup.

A Timeless, Stylized Look

stunt driver challenge features a stylized visual aesthetic, inspired by the look of Untitled Game. This style was chosen because it has a timeless quality that won’t feel outdated, even as gaming technology continues to evolve. It’s a look that remains fresh and appealing, ensuring the game stands out visually.

Vision for Untitled Game

The goal with Untitled Game is to create a combat system that feels dynamic and deeply interactive. My focus is on crafting combat where physics interactions play a crucial role, making each strike and move feel impactful. Right now, the combat is primarily kick-based, but I’ve started working on weapon integration, which should be ready next month.

Combat Philosophy: Aiming for Fluidity and Interaction

I recently started playing Elden Ring for the first time, and while I admire many aspects of the game, the combat felt too “rigid” for what I’m aiming to achieve. It’s heavily animation-based, which can make it feel less responsive. This experience reinforced my decision to steer away from that approach. Instead, I want each hit in Untitled Game to have a tangible effect on the environment and other characters, creating a more fluid and reactive combat experience.

AI: Smart and Coordinated Enemies

I’ve been putting a lot of work into the AI, ensuring that enemies in Untitled Game are more than just mindless attackers. The AI will work together to challenge the player strategically. Instead of lining up to attack and accidentally hitting each other, they’ll try to surround the player, creating a more intense and tactical combat experience.

Camera System: Keeping Players Focused

The camera system in Untitled Game is designed to enhance both exploration and combat. There’s a free-form camera mode that lets you look around the world at your own pace, giving you the freedom to explore. When you engage in combat, you can switch to the combat camera, which automatically focuses on you and your target. This allows you to concentrate on the fight without worrying about constantly adjusting the camera angle.


Looking ahead, I’m excited to announce that next month’s focus for Untitled Game will be on completing a fully playable combat prototype. This version will feature the core combat mechanics and AI enemies, giving me a chance to see how everything comes together in action. I’m eager to share it with other developers and gather their feedback to fine-tune the experience.

Meanwhile, in stunt driver challenge, I’ll be diving into the creation of test levels, aiming to craft stages that are both challenging and fun.

There’s a lot on the horizon, so stay tuned for the next update, and until next time, happy gaming!

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