Video Games

May 2024 Update

May Update Sign

Release Update

Welcome to the final dev log update for TACTICAL BANDITS. No, the game has not been cancelled, but rather the opposite has happened… it has officially passed certification for all platforms! That’s right – Steam, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch, the game is ready to roll out.

TACTICAL BANDITS successfully passed the rigorous certification process for Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC. This means the game has met all the technical and quality standards required to bring you a flawless gaming experience.

I am now sorting out the final phase of preparing for the launch. This involves coordinating with platform holders to finalize release dates and ensuring a smooth rollout.

In my next update I will include the official release date, and trust me, it is coming very soon! I am incredibly excited to finally share TACTICAL BANDITS with you all. Your patience and support has been amazing, and I can’t wait for you to dive into the action-packed world of TACTICAL BANDITS.

Stay tuned for my next update with the release date announcement, and until next time, happy gaming!

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