This was the first game jam I had participated in 2014. GM48 is a game jam that happens every season (3 months) where the goal is to create a game using GameMaker Studio in 48 hours. The theme for this game jam was ‘One Minute’. I created a game called Space Miner.
Author: Lovepreet
Digital Monster
I found this old digital art drawing I did back in 2012. The image is of a monster which turned out to be more cute than scary. I still like the look of it so I thought I will post it on here.
Click here to view the image in full.
One Game A Month
I have decided to join One Game A Month. One Game A Month is a simple goal of creating one game every month for a full calendar year, or longer. The website is currently in its second year but this will be the first time I will be participating in it.
30 Day Challenge: January 2014
Let me start this post by wishing everyone a Happy New Year! As this the beginning of the new year I thought I will start it of with a new challenge. As most people would have noticed that over the last couple of years tablets have started to appear everywhere. They have took a big market share from traditional computers and 2014 does not look any different. I have always preferred a computer over a tablet as I never felt it was possible to do any real work on tablets. This is mainly because tablets have been known as devices where you consume content whilst computers are devices where you can create content. Because of this, I have always been skeptical of the people who claim that tablets are the only device that we need and that computers will become obsolete. I know this will never be true because tablets will never provide the screen size, power and usability of a traditional desktop, or even a laptop/notebook. But I do wonder how much work is possible to do just from a tablet. So I am going to put this to the test.
Year End List: 2013
So it is the end of another year. A lot has happened this year. I graduated from university. I created and completed my first (not so brilliant) game. And most importantly, I managed to keep my blog going for SIX months! That is a very long time, especially considering how many times I tried this in the past.
I have also enjoyed lots of stuff this year. Everything from books to TV series and anything in between. I haven’t played as many games as I would have liked to this year but hopefully I can change that next year. In this list I am just going to write everything I have liked over the past twelve months. Some of this is not new (some games I have enjoyed have been out since 2009!) but that does not mean I am going to exclude it from my list. So here is my list in no particular order.
Nameless Development Log 01
This is the first development log update on Nameless. I was quite nervous since this was the first time I ever recorded something on my screen and did a voice over as you can probably tell from the video.
So this weekend was Ludum Dare 48. This is a game jam where the goal is to make a game in 48 hours based around a theme. The theme for Ludum Dare #28 was ‘You Only Get One’. I started by thinking of ideas on what to create my game about. I wrote all the ideas down and then I chose to go with my favorite idea.
Special Day
Today is a special day. It is my birthday! So Happy Birthday to me!
Big news. Well for me anyway. You might have noticed that I have not posted anything for several weeks. Well there a simple reason for that. I got a new job! I have now got a job as a Web Developer. I will continue working as a Technology Facilitator (my current job) on a part-time basis as the Web Developer role is also on a part-time basis. Hopefully I will be able to make the website I will be working on as great and functional as this website.
I am still going to continue working on Nameless in my spare time and on weekends. I will also continue updating my blog with random things I find interesting. But as for today, wish me luck as it is my first day at my new job.
I’m making a game! I know I have stated in past posts that I have been working on a game but I always stopped after a few weeks. This was due to the prototype not being fun or, the more likely option, I just became bored, uninterested and could not be bothered with it anymore.
Now I really want to make and complete a game. I should be able to accomplish this feat at least once in my lifetime. So I am making sure that this time it is going to be different. I have got a core game feature already planned out. This time I have even created a game design document where I outlined what I am going to do.