
Travels in USA

Flag of California


Travels in Taiwan

Flag of Taiwan


Travels in Sweden

Flag of Sweden


Travels in South Korea

Flag of South Korea


Travels in Austria

Flag of Austria


Travels in Croatia

Flag of Croatia


Travels in France

Flag of France

The past few years, I have travelled quite a lot for different events. I also took many pictures, most which I don’t hate. Instead of hording and keeping them to myself, I decided to upload them to my blog. This first post is when I went to France in September 2015 and visited Strasbourg. I will be uploading some pictures from all my past events in the next few weeks.


Year End List: 2018

New Year 2019

Six years and running, and I am back here with my end of year list.

I think I’ve started to follow a trend of doing the same thing as last year, not following through on my goals of last year, and setting new goals for next year, which if this is a pattern, I won’t follow through with.

Anyway, hopefully more new blog posts next year, etc., etc., and you can check out my list below.


Half Marathon 2018

Half Marathon 2018 Results

Decided to do the half marathon again this year, but actually train for it. Came in 20th place, which was better than last year but only 90 seconds faster than last year. I think it will all be downhill from here, so this will probably be my last half marathon.


Year End List: 2017

New Year 2018

For the fifth year in a row, it is time for my end of year list.

This year has been lackluster, even though my game, Akuto: Mad World, has achieved quite a lot of recognition and funding, I feel I didn’t accomplish as much as I could this year. I didn’t read as many books as I would have liked, didn’t play as many games as I would have wanted, and I didn’t get to draw or write as much as I should have.

On the other hand, it was a great year for music and TV shows. Both entertainments put out products that I really enjoyed all year round.

Next year, I am going to try to release more content, no matter how good or bad it might turn out to be. Hopefully it will turn out more good than bad.

Now, on to my list…