Today is a special day. It is my birthday! So Happy Birthday to me!
Category: General
Big news. Well for me anyway. You might have noticed that I have not posted anything for several weeks. Well there a simple reason for that. I got a new job! I have now got a job as a Web Developer. I will continue working as a Technology Facilitator (my current job) on a part-time basis as the Web Developer role is also on a part-time basis. Hopefully I will be able to make the website I will be working on as great and functional as this website.
I am still going to continue working on Nameless in my spare time and on weekends. I will also continue updating my blog with random things I find interesting. But as for today, wish me luck as it is my first day at my new job.
How I Work
I recently completed my post on Kinja about how I work. This is a series that Lifehacker does where they chat with productivity heroes about their habits, workspaces, inspirations, and more in their How I Work series. I thought I will post what I wrote on my Kinja onto my website so you can see my habits, workspaces and inspirations.
E-Book Readers For Developers
I have always been interested in e-book readers due to their long battery life and better readability of their screens compared to tablets. I bought my first, and so far only, e-book reader couple of years ago. It was a Kobo Touch. I was happy with it as it did everything I wanted to do, which was to read books and play Sudoku once a while. Gradually over time I have noticed that I stopped using my Kobo Touch until I recently decided to give it away. This was not due to any fault with the Kobo (I still recommend the Kobo Touch to anyone who is looking to buy a e-book reader), but with every e-book reader.
Welcome To Site Three
I decided to redesign my website. Instead of making little changes to my code, I decided to delete all of my old website and use WordPress as the back-end. Maybe because I am lazy, or maybe because I really can not be bothered to hand-code my website anymore, but I believe WordPress will suit me well.