Video Games

September 2022 Update

TACTICAL BANDITS - shooting through a door

New levels, new bugs, new builds. That is the summary of this month.

I created 3 new levels for the multiplayer game modes for the test builds. These new levels were simple levels with some interactivity (look both ways when crossing the road). I found these levels good to play, but I am biased since I have been playing my game for nearly a year now. So I sent the build out to a few people and got some feedback to it.

Most of the feedback revolved around these 3 points:

  • The camera zooms in too fast when a character dies
  • Bots are too good
  • There needs to be more open-space on the levels

I have managed to fix the camera zoom in speed and stopped the bots from being terminators (slower shooting reaction, worse aim), and that has fixed these issues. The last feedback point I will not apply to these levels, as they were only for testing and pitching. Instead, I will apply the last feedback to future levels, and build upon the good points of the level design and fix the bad points.

I also fixed Photo Mode (yes, TACTICAL BANDITS has a photo mode!). This bug must have been in since I started creating multiplayer game modes, as I originally designed photo mode to only work with singleplayer mode. This wasn’t the biggest bug, but it does tell me that I need to design game controllers that handle new game modes more easily, instead of me creating new code for every new game mode.

Apart from that, I have created and updated my builds several times thanks to all the feedback I have gotten so far in this month alone. This was quite a short monthly update, but a lot of the work was bug fixes. Next month, I will be sending out the game to publishers (publishers can reach out to me if you are interesting in trying the game) and I will also start working on the base of the singleplayer mode. This will be quite a big task and I should have it done before the end of the month.

TACTICAL BANDITS shooting fight

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