Video Games

June 2022 Update


This was a great month for game design, as I have got most of the content needed for TACTICAL BANDITS written down in my game design document. I then created a schedule for all the work needed and, if everything goes to plan, the PC development of TACTICAL BANDITS will be done before the end of 2022!!

Apart from creating the roadmap for the game, I fixed an issue with the shooting. It turns out, I was using the wrong quaternion values so aiming was always slightly off. I thought I fixed this issue last month, but turns out it was still happening but not really noticeable. The shooting does feel more accurate, so hopefully I am using the right quaternion values now.

I also updated some effects and created some new ones. An example of this is now players can tell a difference when an enemy has seen a player or when he has just heard a noise. I also created outline effects around interact-able objects, such as weapons ready to pick-up and doors. This should make it more intuitive for players to know what they can do in a specific area or not. I also disabled destruction of walls, because it got too chaotic in levels and made them borderline unplayable.

I also created a door knock effect, which alerts a nearby enemy to come to the door. This would have been pointless as the enemies cannot do anything with doors, so I updated them so that they can open doors now. There is also a navmesh on levels, meaning enemies are much smarter and will be able to go to a specific location on a level.

One of the last things I did this month was create zombies! Yes, there will be zombies in the game. Why you ask? Well, the game is set in a post-apocalyptic world, and it is only right that a post-apocalyptic world has zombies in it. Zombies also bring an exciting dynamic challenge into the game, because they won’t only go after the player, they will go after anything living, including the enemies. Hopefully this will create exciting gameplay moments in the game.

Next month I am going to focus on updating the whole GUI (again), new weapons, better character differentiation between zombies and humans, and new multiplayer game modes. It sounds like a lot of work but it seems doable.

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