
Tips When Buying A Motorcycle

Lexmoto Michigan

I bought my first vehicle yesterday. It is a Lexmoto Michigan motorcycle. I know what people usually say about Chinese motorcycles but I decided to take the risk. It isn’t as I am going to be racing with this motorcycle. The most I will do is cruise around the streets and learn how to drive a motorcycle better. Eventually when I pass my theory and practical tests, I will buy a better motorcycle and keep the Lexmoto to play around with, as it is not worth much second hand. For now, I am happy with buying a Chinese motorcycle.

I should be picking up the motorcycle this upcoming Monday. I am excited and scared. Excited, as I will finally own my first vehicle and scared that my motorcycle will be the same as hundreds of other Chinese motorcycles: made of bad quality.

Before I decided to buy a Lexmoto, I researched on what I should look for when buying a motorcycle. I created a document with all my notes and I am going to share them online in case for anyone else who might be looking to purchase a motorcycle.


I Am Going To My First GDC Europe!

GDC Europe Logo

Just a small update. I am going to my first GDC Europe (or any GDC for that matter). I will be there as a Conference Associate. Hope to see you there.

Video Games

How Steam’s Refund Policy Will Increase Game Sales

Steam Logo

Steam recently updated their refund policy allowing gamers to return any game, as long as it meets certain criteria (played the game less than two hours and owned it less than two weeks). If you don’t meet the criteria, you can still ask for a refund and Steam will manually approve or disapprove your refund request.

Video Games

Why My First Game Will Not Be An Instant Success

Check Out My Game

Or the full title ‘Why my first game will not be an instant success and why I am okay with it’.

Video Games

Retool Logo

Here is a 5-second video showing the Retool logo in action. It makes the game look 11% better than before.


10 Reasons Websites Fail

10 Reasons Websites Fail

Yesterday I did a talk at Creative Monday about my business (Tall Whale). Since most people already know what a web designer does, I decided to focus my talk on reasons why websites fail and how I would fix them. The talk was (surprisingly) well received. Here is a link to my presentation for anyone that is interested. One day I will update the link to a proper handout that will include more detail. But that day is not today.

Video Games

Retool GUI And Lighting Update

Retool Screenshot

This week I have worked on updating the GUI and lighting. The GUI and lighting I was using was mainly for test purposes. I have now updated them so the game is easier to understand and better to look at.


So I Am A Game Developer Now…

Retool Screenshot

I quit my job yesterday. I said goodbye to my comfortable paid job at Innovation 1st to try out and become an indie game developer. Maybe I am foolish, or maybe it will be one of the best decisions I will ever make in my life. Only time will tell.

Video Games

Retool First Playable Version… Sort Of

I have made a video showing the first playable version of Retool, and I do use playable in the loosest sense. In the video, I talk about the following points:

  • The name change of the game, from Bounty Hunter to Retool
  • What the game is about
  • The objectives in a level
  • How the electronic network system (ENS?) works
  • My influences, which includes Gunpoint and Hitman

Drop me an email if you want to try out the practice level and give me feedback.


Hut 90

Hut 90 Logo

You remember the announcement I was talking about several weeks ago? Well here it is. Announcing Hut 90, my business for developing and selling video games. And… that’s it for now I guess.