2021 was a bad year for me with regards to keeping my blog updated. So for this year I have decided to create monthly updates regarding the status of my projects. So check out what I have been doing in the first month of 2022.
Category: Video Games
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Akuto: From 3D to 2.5D
The design decision to make Akuto: Showdown go from 3D to 2.5D in Akuto Zero was to implement a much-requested feature from players: physics movement.
Akuto Zero Versus Level Two
I designed and made a second test level for Akuto Zero. The level layout is much simpler, with less items and no destructible objects. I think this level fixes a lot of the issues I had with the first level, primarily readability.
Akuto Zero Default Versus Game Mode
Just a quick post to jot down my reason for why the default versus game mode in Akuto Zero is stock mode.
I created the first versus level for Akuto Zero and decided to break it down. Below I will talk about what I wanted from the level, the layout, why everything is where it is, and where I think it can still be improved.
A quick look at the singleplayer mode of Akuto Zero.
A Very Late Update
So let’s get this out of the way, I am making this post way, WAY later than I originally planned. A few weeks turned into a few months and here I am now, posting 8 months later than planned. So below is everything that has happened since my post in November.
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November 2019 Update
Just a quick update that I am still alive and I am still working on games. As you can see from the GIF, I have got a little working prototype of a new action game. It is currently a mixture of Bad Business and Akuto: Showdown, but probably won’t stay this way.
It is still very early into development and I am not sure whether to continue with this project or another project that has been mulling in my head.
What I do know is that I should have some more concrete news in the next few weeks.